Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Completed Assignment 3

See the link to my google drive for my completed unit plans.


  1. Excellent unit plan, Matt! I am pleased to see that you've put so much thought into the experience of the unit from the learner's point of view, and I really like the idea of developing a marking rubric for the project with the kids' participation. It's also great to have a broad choice of topics for their projects.

    You may find that it's helpful to include a mini-lecture once in a while, if you diagnose that there is a technique or idea that lots of people need focused help with.

  2. I like the resources you are bringing as examples, and that these raise issues around Indigenous people and (lack of) equity in Canada. Data studies offers a good context to take up big real-life problems. The video about cooking in the dishwasher is a lot of fun, but also draws attention to how one would go about researching an interesting question in real life.

  3. I also appreciate the dialogue you and Jacob have had, on your unit plan and his. This is exactly how I would hope that peer editing would work, so kudos to both of you!

    Do check in with your SA to refine your unit plan further before you teach it, but I think your plans are in quite good shape. Thanks for all the thought, work and integration of ideas!


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