Monday, November 16, 2020

Reflection from group microteaching Optimization

When presenting the economic example of optimization, I found myself rushing through working the example because of how behind timing was. One of the most important parts to these kinds of problems is the formation of the equation we want to optimize. If I could spend a few extra minutes discussing how that solution was derived and interpreting the maximum solution from Desmos, it may help students in the future understand these ideas.

It is difficult to teach an advanced math topic that requires 10+minutes for each example in a timeframe of 15 minutes. Future considerations could be to limit the group microteaching exercise to a single example and spending the entirety working through.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts on this. It is an artificially short time, so it helps to pick a topic that will fit the constraints...


EDCP 342 course reflection

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