Monday, October 5, 2020

Microteaching Topic: Introduction to the Guitar

 Next week, I will be microteaching an introduction to the guitar. 

Lesson plan adapted from LLED 360 Lesson Plan Template: 

Subject: Introduction to the Guitar



Oct 14/20


10 mins

Lesson Overview

(What this lesson is about)

This lesson will provide students an introduction to the guitar.

Content Objectives

(What the students will know)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify different parts of the guitar.

·        Define pitch and correctly label note associated with each (open) string.

·        Read chord charts and tabs.




Language Objectives


(What new language the students will learn)

·        Pitch: how high or low a musical sound is.

·        Scale: any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch.

·        Tab: Short for tablature, which is a form of writing down music for the guitar, which mainly uses numbers instead of music notation.  

·        Chord: Set of harmonic pitches/frequencies consisting of multiple notes heard simultaneously.

·        Octave: series of 8 notes occupying the interval between two notes.

Materials and Equipment Needed for this Lesson






Lesson Stages

 Learning Activities


Time Allotted




Get students’ attention, connect to previous knowledge and explain why the topic is important to learn.


        ·        Ask if anyone has picked up and tried to play a guitar before/familiarity with music theory. 

        ·        Play a short song (Serene of Water from OoT)  

1 minute




Teach the new content and language.

        ·        Show students the different parts of the guitar

        ·        Name the pitch associated with each string

        ·        Introduce the C Major note scale

        ·        Reading tabs

        ·        Reading chords





5 minutes


Practice and Production


Practice, reinforcement, and extension of the new content and language.





        ·        Practice reading tabs

        ·        Practice reading chords




 2 minutes





        ·        Open the floor to questions

        ·        Play a closing song? (Lost Woods)



2 minutes 


  1. Good! Looks very interesting. On the timings: are parts 2 and 3 planned to take 7 minutes altogether? Any further breakdown of that timing?

    1. Oops, I missed that from transferring this information over; just made that change now.

  2. a)3
    Although we had a problem of screen sharing, you did a great job of sending the link right away and started from there. Overall the lesson is well organized, the amount of info was just about right. Good work!

  3. (a) 2
    (b) 2
    (c) 2
    (d) 2
    (e) 3
    (f) 3

    Positive attributes:
    - students were engaged and asked questions
    - you adapted to difficulties on the fly
    - allowed for Q&A

    Possible improvements:
    - choose a bit less content to ensure that teaching is paced a bit slower (lots to learn for non-musicians)
    - make sure camera angles show what you are doing with both right and left hands at the appropriate times
    - write down key terms somewhere so that we can learn vocabulary more confidently (ie. frets, neck, etc.)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Topic: Intro to guitar
    a) 3, b) 3, c) 3, d) 3, e) 2, f) 3

    Comments: A great overview of the basics of guitar. Some more engagement from students would be great (difficult without everyone having guitars I know), but otherwise, very well presented!

  6. a) 3
    b) 2
    c) 2
    d) 3
    e) 2
    f) 2

    Perhaps due to time restraints, didn't spend a lot of time reviewing parts of a guitar and other jargon. Overall Matt was very knowledgeable and spoke clearly. Not sure how I would resolve this but learner involvement was low (hard to fix without giving us all access to guitars).

  7. a) 2
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 1
    e) 3
    f) 2

    I was unable to share screen to show the ppt I wanted, but was able to link everyone to a virtual ppt I had uploaded. 10 minutes is a short amount of time and I felt that I had rushed through my presentation and spoke fast making it potentially difficult to hear what I am saying. It was also hard to show how I was holding the guitar and stuff with a laptop webcam.


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