Monday, September 28, 2020

The dishes problem

Problem: "How many guests are there?" said the official. "I don't know," said the cook, "but every 2 used a dish of rice, every 3 used a dish of broth, and every 4 used a dish of meat between them". There were 65 dishes in all. 

The way I solved this problem without algebra is to consider how many dishes are used following a lowest common multiple of people, ie. 12. So 12 guests minimum use 13 dishes total. 13 dishes per 65 total dishes equals 5. Taking 5 by 12 guests gives the result 60 guests. 

I think offering examples of math problems to students from different cultures can be worthwhile as it encourages students to think beyond their current cultural lens. Math history from different cultures can be especially important as it offers an opportunity to see how different cultures come up with different solutions to the same problem. I enjoy having imagery to math word problems and puzzles as it gives it allows me to make a realistic connection. This dishes problem is extremely relevant in Asian cultures as Asian cuisines often involve large banquets around a table consisting of family and friends. 

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EDCP 342 course reflection

EDCP 342 was an amazing course, and I had so much fun learning about mathematics curriculum and pedagogy. I learned about school institution...